The quarterly report cards are given to the students as a measure of their academic progress. Each student is evaluated according to his/her own performance, progress, and ability. Daily class participation, home and class assignments, tests, study habits, and effort to improve are also taken into consideration.
Holy Trinity uses the Diocesan approved FACTS student information system. This system allows families to stay updated on their child's academic progress at school and other information including:
FACTS allows teachers and the school office to easily send out emails and Parent Text Alerts with important news and information throughout the year.
NWEA MAP Growth is a nationally normed, standardized achievement test which measures what students know and informs what they're ready to learn next by using a computer adaptive test that adjusts to the ability and knowledge of the student.
The students take the NWEA Map assessment three times per year to measure academic performance and growth. This test is also used to guide classroom instruction to make sure students are getting the skills they need. These tests can be used for evaluation of enrichment programs as well as class placements in junior high.
The testing program is designed to serve the needs of all students. Both basic skills tests and aptitude tests are administered. The basic skills tests measure the student’s mastery of skills while the aptitude tests seek to measure the student’s capacity to acquire knowledge and skills. All formal tests are administered during school time. See school calendar for exact testing windows.
Click below for a quick guide on what these reports mean for your student(s).