Holy Trinity School utilizes an integrated version of the FACTS Tuition Management and FACTS SIS systems. Families access your FACTS account via FACTS Family Portal.
FACTS Family Portal Login Instructions
● Click on the link below or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.factsmgt.com/
● Click on “Parent Log In” at the top, then “FACTS Family Portal”
● If you already have an account, enter district code, username, and password and click Login.
● Create New Family Portal Account if you have not set this up yet
● Enter your email address that this email was sent to, and our District Code.
Our District Code is HTS-OH
● You will receive an email from SIS Customer Support containing a link that will allow you to create your username and password. For security purposes the link will remain active for six hours.
● Please click on the link. A Change/Create Password screen will open. You may use the default username provided, or create a new username. Then type in your desired password into the Password field and Confirm Field
● Click on the Save Username and/or Password button
● Close the window.
● Log into FACTS Family Portal as instructed above
Thank you for your continued loyalty and support for Holy Trinity School. We depend on your support in our efforts to provide the highest quality of education for your children. Your continued support and cooperation is appreciated, as we remain committed to our mission.
Download the Facts family app to view many items such as the student directory, gradebooks, lunch items and behavior logs for jr. high students. You are able to edit personal demographic information as well. Please reach out if you have questions.